New Email Verification Enforcement

Posted Jan 6, 2006
Last Updated Jun 21, 2012
Because many members have entered email addresses that are either invalid or email addresses with ISPs or servers that are blocking our emails, we have added a system that now flags all members who have bounced emails.

When an email from a member's guestbook, mail link or our regular site update gets bounced to us, we mark that member's account as having bounced an email.

This will remove the member's contact and guestbook links, and it will restrict some of the tools that member has on the site.

To re-activate your account, simply log in to the site and click "Verify My Email" or simply click here.

Reasons for bounced emails include the following:

Inaccurate Email Address If you enter an inaccurate email address (mispelled, inactive, etc) all mail sent to you through our site will bounce. Check to see if your Email Address is accurate in your Account Profile.

Mailbox Full Some ISPs and web hosts limit the amount of email your email account can hold. If your email mailbox is full, your emails may be bounced back to us.

Spam Filters While we have a very strict anti-spam policy, your ISP, web domain or email client may be marking us as spam. You must update your ISP, webmail or email program's filters to allow emails from our domain.

Image Filters Most emails from our site include graphics, artwork and/or photos. You must update your email account to accept emails with embedded graphics.